Windshield Wipers

Muscle Groups Worked:
How to Perform This Exericse:
Option 1 beginner)
1) Start in the laying position, with your face up, and your legs bent out to one side.
2) With legs bent, bring them past your mid-line, to the opposite side of your body, taking care to have a controlled movement throughout.
Option 2 intermediate)
1) Start in the laying position, with your face up, and your legs straight out to one side.
2) Without bending your legs, bring them past your mid-line, to the opposite side of your body, taking care to have a controlled movement throughout.
Option 3 advanced)
1) Begin in the hanging position, with your body parallel to the floor, legs straight out to one side, parallel to the floor as well.
2) Without bending your legs, bring them past your mid-line, to the opposite side of your body, taking care to have a controlled movement throughout.
This movement should be a slow controlled movement, not a quick explosive movement.