Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises

Muscle Groups Worked:
How to Perform This Exericse:
1) Start with one hand on the handle of a cable, your knees bent slightly bent, and feet shoulder width apart.
2) The cable should come from behind your back to opposite side hand gripping it.
3) Without swinging your back, or using your legs during the entire motion, pull the cable from the start position behind your back to the level of your shoulder with your arm straight out.
Notes: Keep your elbow pointed straight backward during the motion, and NOT at the floor. The higher your elbow is, the more you will hit the lateral aspect of your deltoid. Delts (Shoulders) can be an easy muscle to injure, so when doing this exercise, keep in mind that lowering the weight, not using your back, and avoiding using your legs, you will have a better chance of growing the desired muscle and avoiding injury.